Friday, July 16, 2021 by Extinction Rebellion

Welcome to Newsletter Xtra where all the wonderful rebel actions we couldn’t fit into the main Global Newsletter come to stay. This month Newsletter Xtra brings you reports from Australia, Czech Republic, Spain, Ireland, the USA and many more...

23 JUN | Sydney, Australia. Oh how we love a win! Yesterday 5 rebels who took part in a Sydney Rebellion 2020 action that targeted the Independent Planning Commission were acquitted of all charges. The rebels were charged with trespass, malicious damage (for writing in chalk spray & gluing hands to windows), and obscene exposure despite having scenes from the catastrophic ‘Black Summer’ bushfires painted on their bodies.

Port Botany, Sydney

Peterhead, Adelaide

10 JUN | Australia. Rebels blockaded fossil fuel distribution centres in Sydney, Adelaide and Tasmania, demanding an end to extraction and a just transition for workers.

1 JUL | Vienna, Austria. The highlight of the day was Greta Thunberg’s devastating summit speech. "Let’s be clear - what you are doing is not about climate action or responding to an emergency. It never was. This is communication tactics disguised as politics."

JUN | Dublin, Ireland. Rebels joined Climate Case Eire and students from Trinity College Dublin to call on the Irish Government to deliver a Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity. 2 years ago the Irish parliament committed to a citizens’ assembly but still hasn't set a date.

29 JUN | Brussels, Belgium. Activists held a spectacular demonstration calling on the Belgian government to make ecocide a crime.

25 JUNE | London, UK: A vast carpet of living grass imprinted with a message by Nigerian poet and novelist Ben Okri floats on the River Thames. The mega-artwork launched the Paint The Land campaign that is being organised by Writers Rebel in the run-up to COP26.

24 JUN | Naples, Italy. Extinction Rebellion Naples, together with other climate activists staged an action in the Piazza Municipio to demand that the city achieve zero emissions by 2025 and involve its people in decision-making through a citizens’ assembly.

30 JUN | Washington DC, USA. Climate activists blocked five entrances to the White House “in solidarity with our indigenous brothers and sisters”.

28 JUN | Prague, Czech Republic. Rebels blocked the entrance of the Czech National Bank’s headquarters. Locked-on protesters occupied the lobby inside the building. The blockade lasted several hours before police intervened.

A teacher from XR Dusseldorf sits by the entrance to the city’s art collection.

Other German rebels block the streets of Dortmund (left), Hamburg, and Hidlesheim.

12 JUN | GERMANY, THE NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM. Rebellion of One actions took place across a number of European countries.

More streets are blocked in Holland.

And outside the EU Commission building in Brussels.

29 JUN | Milan, Italy. An extra Rebellion of One at Porta Garibaldi.

2 JUL | Paris, France. ‘Earth, Stand up, Lift Yourself’ was the message on the yellow vest (‘gilet jaune’) with which rebels dressed the iconic statue of Marianne in the Place de la Republique in Paris.The ravages of industrial agriculture and the denaturing of soils, they argue, echo the destruction of lives, social insecurity, and violence of the social and economic system.

The action was part of a campaign against the carbon-emitting cement and concrete industries, especially the factories of the Lafarge conglomerate at the ‘port’ of Gennevilliers outside Paris, where rebels blockaded 3 sites days earlier.

Blockade of one of the Lafarge factories.

‘Disarm the concrete’

19 JUN | Pamplona, Spain. XR Pamplona-Iruñea carried out an action to demand a citizens’ assembly. Despite declaring a Climate Emergency in 2020, the Basque government of Navarre has taken no decisive action.

14 JUN | Darwin, Australia. Arm in arm with a door! “We’re peacefully protesting and actively resisting the expansion of the gas industry, the fracking of the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory,” says rebel Julie. “We call on the Fannie Bay government to stop using public money to enable the development of gas infrastructure.” Fannie Bay is a suburb of the city of Darwin.

17 JUN | Perth, Australia. Sandwiched between police vehicles is the truck that rebels Carmen and Kelly drove into the entrance to the APPEA Oil and Gas conference. They then climbed onto the roof and locked themselves to each other. Here’s how the conference describes itself: “The APPEA (Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association) Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition remains the only conference that is run by the industry, for the industry and is why so many trust the event as their 'go to' investment each year.”

Sulla ribellione

Extinction Rebellion è un movimento decentralizzato, internazionale e politicamente apartitico che utilizza l'azione diretta non violenta e la disobbedienza civile per convincere i governi ad agire in modo giusto sull'emergenza climatica ed ecologica. Il nostro movimento è composto da persone di ogni estrazione sociale, che contribuiscono in modi diversi con il tempo e l'energia che possono mettere a disposizione. È probabile che abbiamo una filiale locale molto vicina a voi, e ci piacerebbe avere tue notizie. ... o .