Hybrid General Meeting - option to join in person or online. There will be a chance to meet other people, see what's happening in Cambridge, and go into breakout rooms for interesting conversations or action planning. There will also be a break for tea and biscuits and a chance to chat. These meetings are also the first point of call for new rebels, who will be welcomed into the group and supported to get involved. In person: 7-9pm: Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge. The room we use is upstairs and the dimensions of the lift are 115cm deep x 102cm wide. For further accessibility information, please email info@xrcambridge.org Online: 7:10 - 9pm: us02web.zoom.us/j/88257083879?pwd=eDZXRnp1dXRrSW54Q3lQY0Nwa3VTZz09 Meeting ID: 882 5708 3879 Passcode: biscuits