Global Newsletter #42

Monday, August 24, 2020 by Extinction Rebellion

Photo: XR Israel

Dear rebels,

Every day we move closer and closer to a state of irreversible climate chaos, ridden with sickness, greed and desperation. Or – we can choose to move toward global societal change and a world we want to live in. The choice is ours.Don’t feed the system, feed the future.

Today we bring you exciting but incipient news of planned Rebellions all over the world. From Poland to Australia, through September and into early October, with more dates being added all the time.It's going down. We are all rising up! (Re)connect with your local group here.

This month we focus on actions across Asia and the Middle East. It’s heartening to see members of XR using their energy in collaboration with other movements and organizations to move towards a common goal.

In Turkey, rebels are working hard to support the protection of Mount Ida from a Canadian gold miner. While in Israel,rebels helped blockade parliament and cut coal use.

We look to Helsinki where rebels have just finished a 12 day hunger strike. Also we cover the Indigenous Emergency action, highlighting the plight of Indigenous cultures across the world during these times of crisis andstruggle.

From the XR Global Blog

With less than a week to go before the Rebellion begins in the UK, the energy is high and rebels are hard at work. Have you seen the awesome September Action Pack

Finally, in our Must Read section we publish a selection of posts from the XR Global Blog. The Blog publishes weekly articles which shine a light on the threats that face us and the new tactics being used to fight the climate crisis.

As ever, be sure to browse our Unchained for a selection of all the excellent and juicy actions we couldn't fit in these pages.

If you’d like to help, please check out our website

To connect to rebels in your local area, get in touch with your nearest XR group

If you’d like to see previous newsletter issues, you can find them here.

This Rebellion needs your support. If you can’t give time, consider giving money.

Support the Rebellion

Action Highlights

In Defence of Mountains

26 JUL | Istanbul, Turkey

Rebels from XR Turkey joined hundreds of protestors in Istanbul to condemn theviolent arrest of environmental activists trying to reach Mount Idato protect it from mining.

The mountain has been devastated by a Canadian gold mine which has raised hundreds of thousands of trees and used cyanide to extract the gold.

A coach-load of activists from Istanbul were blocked by police and then arrested, while activists in nearby Çanakkale had their press conference stormed by police for apparently breaching Covid-19 guidelines.Over 20 activists were fined and jailed overnight.

Police storm an Ekoloji Birliği (Union of Ecology) press conference in Çanakkale Photo: SÖZCÜ

Last year the mine was the site of huge protests.

A small group of those protestors have stayed on the mountain ever since, using drones to check the gold mine doesn’t restart operations. Authorities have fined them for their ‘illegal accommodation’ to the tune of thousands of dollars - but the protestors remain. The arrested activists had intended to join them to mark the 1st anniversary of those original protests.

A recent report by TEMA, a Turkish environmental group, uncovered that 79% of Mount Ida has been licensed for mining by the government.

XR Turkey and members of Mount Ida solidarity groups have vowed to not let repression and detentions stop them from defending the mountain.

Israeli Rebels Blockade Parliament

21 JUL | Jerusalem, Israel

In Israel a group of brave rebelsblocked one of 3 roads leading to the parliament,the Knesset, while the other 2 roads were simultaneously blocked by other movements.

In a remarkable display of non-violent civil disobedience, they physically blocked access to the Knesset to prevent an anti-democratic law from passing, which would reduce parliament’s power to supervise the government’s actions, using the Coronaviruspandemicas a cover. All roads were aggressively cleared by the police. One rebel was arrested.

Check out our Unchained from XR Israel recently.

Taiwan’s Clean Air Parade

8 AUG| Taichung, Taiwan

On Saturday 8 August, XR Taiwan rebels joined other environmental groups on the streets of Taichung City in central Taiwan, to call on the government to cut air pollution and coal use. The city is home to Taiwan’s largest coal-fired power plant.

Photo: Su Chin-feng, Taipei Times

The protestors gathered in front of the city government’s municipal building before setting off on a march. The parade was led by Yeh Guang-perng, chairman of Air Clean Taiwan, and Mayor Lin Shih-hsien, who dressed as trees to highlight the climate and ecological emergency.

The Mayordeclared aclimate emergency for the first time in Taiwan.“This year is the most crucial time for people to choose a future of sustainability or extinction,” he told The Taipei Times.

The protestors urged the government to do the same, to promote green policies and shift to a net-zero carbon economy .

Indigenous Emergency

9 AUG | London, UK, and Worldwide

The steps of Trafalgar Squareturned red with fake blood, and the fountain neon green, as rebels declared an Indigenous Emergency in London. Banners displayed the motto ‘Genocide = Ecocide’, and people painted one hand red, one green, to highlight the plight of Indigenous Tribes in Brazil. Actions also took place in Spain, Portugal, and the US. Five rebels were arrested.

706 indigenous people says “We denounce [the federal indigenous health service’s] lack of transparency and institutional racism anddemand respect for our rights.”

Indigenous tribes’ first contact with foreign infectious diseases (including influenza) was during the European colonial invasion in the 15th century, which wiped out92% of the indigenous population.

You can donate to APIB so they can buy food, medicine and hygiene materials.

Helsinki Hunger Strike

10-21AUG | Helsinki, Finland

Rebels in the Finish capital have just ended their hunger strike after an impressive 12 days. They were calling on the Finnishgovernment to stepup stop delaying action on climate change.

In true XR style, the Kansalaistori camp - just outside the parliament -was a cheerful place full of colour, music and conversion.With many supportive passersby stopping to talk and learn about the CEE.

Despite the laudable claims ofFinland's centre-left government, the unfortunate truth is that over the past year there has beennothing but procrastination on the climate crisis.Finland continues to subsidise burning peat and domestic flights, and the state owned power company, Fortum, just opened a new coal power station in Germany.

Rebels said: ‘We have been inspired by the many people who have voiced their support, both privately and publicly. Over the past couple of weeks, we have also had a chance to talk with many politicians, including the minister for the environment and climate.’

‘We are ending the hunger strike on our own terms, at a moment of our own choice. This is not a luxury that many people across the world enjoy. Realistic action will require uncomfortable changes to our lives, but if the alternative is catastrophic climate change,the choice should be clear.Our struggle continues.’

XR Unchained

Who would have thought that we’d have too many actions for one newsletter? You amaze us, rebels. Keep it up! Please have a read of the full XR Unchained for more beautiful and courageous actions we couldn’t fit in this issue.

12 AUG | Tel Aviv, Israel

Disguised as pigs, rebels opened a desk at the entrance to the offices of thePsagot Investment House they so love to wallow in. They love it so much that they investover abillion and a half shekels in it.

“Psagot Investment House... is behaving selfishly and gluttonously devouring the rest of the carbon budget that we all have left. This return is going to cost us blood.”

15 JUL | Boston, USA

Rebels staged a die-inoutsidethe Federal Reserve building in Boston to demand our government end fossil fuel bailouts and invest in renewables! The boat they used to block traffic had written "Climate Emergency" on one side and "Just Transition" on the other. Photos: Paul Rifkin & Skip Schiel

10 AUG | Vistula River, Poland

It is the longest river in Poland. It is of great importance in every corner of the country. As children, we sang songs about her and listened to her legends. The Vistula, queen of Polish rivers, is drying up due to climate change and disastrous corporate and human actions.

On 10 August, in the light of the setting sun and by the symbolic statue of the Warsaw Mermaid, XR Warsaw and a broad range of animal, youth, and environmental activists witnessed the Vistula’s funeral.


New Global Rebellion Dates

Upcoming | Worldwide

Time to get excited, rebels.The next waves of Rebellion are underway!

We’ll update you with further details as soon as we have them, but for now here is a quick rundown of upcoming events all over the world. Wherever you are, whoever you are, get involved.

25 August: XR Argentina

27 August: XR Sweden

1 September: XR UK

5 September: XR Poland

7 September: XR New York City

16 September: XR Denmark

18 September: XR Netherlands

20 September: XR Switzerland

21 September: XR Norway

26 September: XR Austria

1 October: XR Finland

5 October: XR Italy


XR Africa News

With stories from the Global South and beyond. The XR Africa News team are doing wonderful work.

The Troublemaker

The Troublemaker for the link.

The film follows the personal awakenings of two people as they accept the reality of climate and ecological breakdown and decide to do something about it.

The first is Roger Hallam, praised and vilified by many both inside and outside of Extinction Rebellion. From organic farmer to social science theorist and one-time co-founder of XR, Hallam recently stepped away from any formal role in XR to form his own political party.

The other protagonist is Sylvia Dell, retired mother of 4 from South Devon, UK. Through Sylvia, we get a glimpse of how ecological activism can play out in the life of an apparently ‘ordinary’, law-abiding citizen.

Join XR Global Support

Want to supportXR groups around the world?

Global Support is a support body for XR groups, facilitating the flow of resources and material between groups and offering support in the form of trainings, funding, and more.

Groups with open roles include: Media & Messaging, Arts, Tech, SOS, Finance and Fundraising, Participative Democracy, Partnerships, Systems Development, Trainings

Fill in this form or get in touch:

Global Finance Team. Volunteers Needed!

Join the team that keeps the lights on in the Extinction Rebellion Global Support movement! We’re looking for help with: raising funds, designing grant rounds to XR groups, data gathering and communications, and report writing.

Background in finance not necessary but you need to be numerate. Understanding of the Global South context is highly desirable. Get in touch:

Global Social Media. Volunteers Needed!

The Global Support Social Media Team are looking for volunteers to help grow XR's impact all over the world andamplify the diverse voices of our beautiful movement.We are looking for enthusiastic people to join our dynamic team and harness the power of social media to change the world for the better.

If you have previous social media experience or think that you've got what it takes to create eye-catching content, we'd love you to hear from you! Get in touch:

XR Global Youtube Recruiting!

Can you help us find the best XR video content and help diversify the stories that we share?Join our YouTube team as a Global Content Hunter!

And if you have experience of managing big accounts, a good understanding of metrics and can help grow our YouTube channel... maybe you could go for the Coordinator role!

Read more details about roles needed here and contact us at:

XR Podcast

Check out the latest from XR Podcast. This week's podcast focuses on the new book 'Who Killed Berta Caceres' by Nina Lakhani which is a compelling thriller-like read based on the murder of the brave indigenous Berta. She died fighting the development of a dam using World Bank funding in her region in Honduras.

Listen here.

Writers Rebel

Writers Rebel uses the power of words to claim a safer, fairer future for all the planet’s inhabitants – human and non-human. Keep an eye on their blog for all the latest posts.

Read it here.

Must Reads

Latest News from

The blog at the XR Global websitefocuses on the facts about the crisis as they are. You don’t have to be an expert to read them – but by reading them, you might just be on your way to becoming an expert.

6 Ways That Pandemics and the Environment are Inseparable

Climate change and COVID-19 are linked. And if we don’t work quickly, this pandemic is just a warm-up for something worse. Great art from XR Comic Science helps break it down and make it accessible to even your least environmentally-minded friends and family.

How Lockdown Has Shown That Reduced Emissions Mean Healthier Lives For Us All

In places that went under lockdown due to COVID-19, reduced emissions led to fewer premature births, asthma attacks and other health issues. How can we continue the reduced emissions without the horror of a global disaster?

The Poisoning of Lake Erie: A Case for Granting Rights to Nature

Activists are fighting for Lake Erie through a unique legal means: by getting legal standing for the lake, just like humans have legal standing. It’s not as farfetched as it seems. Dive into the arguments activists are making and learn about the environmentalists on three continents that have done the same with varying degrees of success.

Thank you

Thank you for reading. Even in lockdown, there’s so much exciting stuff going on in the movement that we barely have time to write this sign-off. Keep up the good work! If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch at

We are in a crucial phase of human history, and our Rebellion needs money to make our message heard. Anything you can give is appreciated.

Support the Rebellion

Over de Opstand

Extinction Rebellion is een gedecentraliseerde, internationale en politiek onpartijdige beweging die geweldloze directe actie en burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid gebruikt om regeringen te overtuigen rechtvaardig te handelen in de klimaat- en ecologische noodsituatie. Onze beweging bestaat uit mensen van alle rangen en standen, die op verschillende manieren bijdragen met de tijd en energie die ze kunnen missen. De kans is groot dat we een lokale groep bij jou in de buurt hebben, en we zouden graag van je horen. Doe mee ...of overweeg te doneren.