
Extinction Rebellion calls on Rebels Without Borders to come to Madrid

Monday, December 02, 2019 by Extinction Rebellion
  • Extinction Rebellion calls upon rebels from all parts of the world to declare an Ultimatum for Life as COP25 sets underway

  • Spain hosts COP25 as a consequence of social unrest in Chile. Extinction Rebellion reminds leaders they cannot flee the climate and ecological emergency

  • Civil disobedience and direct nonviolent actions coordinated by global rebels will fill Madrid’s streets and squares

December 2nd, Madrid (SPAIN) – Rebels from as many as 19 different nations and all walks of life descended upon the Spanish capital to deliver an Ultimatum to the global community as representatives gather for the 25th edition of the Conference of the Parties (COP), the United Nations’ (UN) yearly climate summit. Extinction Rebellion (XR) members have arrived to remind world leaders and citizens alike, while the conference could avoid the “inconvenience” of Chile’s social unrest, they cannot avoid the “inconvenience” of the climate and ecological crisis.

Madrid’s COP25 represents a true ultimatum for humankind and all ecosystems: time has all but run out to avert the worst of the catastrophe our planet faces. In the face of such unimaginable carnage, which scientists have been warning about for over four decades, the only viable option is for a massive, peaceful and democratic mobilization. The complexity surrounding the cause and impacts of the crisis requires not just individual action, but large-scale nonviolent mobilization to demand immediate change.

Climate Rebels from around the world descend upon Madrid

Extinction Rebellion Spain will be hosting rebels from as many as 19 countries and six continents, as part of the global contributions of XR groups from local national and international circles who contribute all around the world. Rebels for life will fill the streets, crowd Madrid’s plazas, inviting onlookers to join the rebellion for life, as other capitals act in solidarity. Through artistic, symbolic, disruptive actions, activists will take up song and dance in the struggle for our children’s future, our ecosystem and our natural treasures, sacrificed at the altar of unencumbered, unsustainable growth. By claiming back the streets, XR reiterates its global message of a democratic defense of the common good made visible and within anybody’s reach. A brave few will not do, life is everybody’s cause.

While COP25 gets underway, XR groups around the world have gathered under the same messages and three shared demands for the gathering leaders

1) Tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency, highlighting scientific data on the reality we find ourselves in.

2) Immediate action is required through the implementation of policies to bring down greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.

3) Inclusive democracy through Citizen’s assemblies, comprised of truly representative members selected through sortition, to make informed recommendations following deliberation.

Planet Earth’s citizens are increasingly aware, time is of the essence, underscored by a year of globally coordinated demonstrations and rebellions. At the same time, citizens of nations across the world are beginning to manifest themselves against increasingly perceivable local injustices. From Hong Kong, through France to Colombia, people’s discomfort with the status quo is becoming ever evident. COP25, originally to be hosted by Brazil, was moved from Santiago to Madrid due to the uncertainty posed by social protests. However, these social protests are merely the beginning of societal collapse triggered by an unsustainable global system so toxic the environment is on the verge of absolute collapse. The climate crisis is not just ecological. It is social, economic and cultural, and COP25 is just its latest refugee.

The COP, 25 years sounding a muted alarm

Now, in the midst of the first truly global humanitarian crisis, and 24 years on from the first COP, the summit’s cause has become more crucial than ever. Yet global commitment is criminally absent. Goals set out by previous COPs, including Paris’ COP 21 celebrated agreement, and ignored in a stubborn and suicidal pursuit of business as usual. A mere 16 countries out of the 195 which signed the Paris Agreement are complying with it. Meanwhile, the Amazon, Siberia, the Arctic and Koalas burn.

The last 30 have been more disastrous than the two previous centuries: 60% of the world’s species are endangered and we are on course for a 3oC global temperature rise, according to 2018’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. These glaring facts shed light on the effect of these conferences. COP25 represents a final chance, an ultimatum, for leaders to take responsibility and activate mechanisms on a global scale to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. By Glasgow’s COP26, serious inroads need to have been made if we even stand a chance to address even the IPCC’s predictions.

The time to make bold and brave choices is now. And a bold and brave movement of people from around the world will remind its leaders that failure is not an option we are willing to accept. For us, for life, for you, Extinction Rebellion’s Rebels Without Borders are in Madrid to remind leaders and delegates attending this COP presided by Chile, that, while they can flee Santiago, they will not and cannot escape the climate and ecological emergency.

Sulla ribellione

Extinction Rebellion è un movimento decentralizzato, internazionale e politicamente apartitico che utilizza l'azione diretta non violenta e la disobbedienza civile per convincere i governi ad agire in modo giusto sull'emergenza climatica ed ecologica. Il nostro movimento è composto da persone di ogni estrazione sociale, che contribuiscono in modi diversi con il tempo e l'energia che possono mettere a disposizione. È probabile che abbiamo una filiale locale molto vicina a voi, e ci piacerebbe avere tue notizie. Partecipa ... o considerare di fare una donazione.