
XR Universities Uganda puts on an action for World Water Day

Friday, May 14, 2021 by Robbie McAdam

On the 23rd March, XR Universities Uganda organised an action for World Water Day. The group wanted to raise awareness to ensure the preservation and environmental protection of Lake Victoria. The action was coordinated by Aaron Niwarinda who is the coordinator and team leader for XR Universities Uganda and key members Judith, Brendah, and Moreen.

Why is World Water Day important for Lake Victoria?

Lake Victoria is a large transboundary lake which runs through Uganda. This Lake is hugely important to the local communities as it provides a number of uses such as its fisheries. It is also one of the largest lakes in Uganda and is a critical freshwater source.

However, over the years, Lake Victoria has become intensely polluted with plastic building up within the lake and washing up on the shores. The pollution has had an effect on the local residents as well the lake's fragile ecosystems which many people depend on for their livelihoods.

Aaron explained that the State Government has been slow at ensuring that local residents have access to fresh water and so many people have been fetching water from the lake itself. However, due to the pollution, this water is not pure and can cause sickness to those who use it.

What happened at the World Water Day Action?

XR Universities Uganda organised a lake clean-up to fight pollution along the shores of the lake. Aaron explained that the XR rebels targeted the plastics which had washed up along the shore of the Lake. XR Universities Uganda also donated cleaning materials such as racks and brooms to people to assist with the clean-up.

Aaron explained that the action itself also raised awareness to prevent people from dumping plastic and other wastes into the lake. Aaron hopes that the local residents will become more conscious of the damaging effects of pollution.

The action itself was a huge success as the XR rebels were able to pull large amounts of plastics from the lake. Also an important message was made - that fighting pollution is essential to preserving Lake Victoria.

World Water Day is an important day for stressing the need to protect freshwater sources. It is a day where XR rebels from across the world can stand up and fight against pollution and protect freshwater which communities from all over the world depend on to survive.

Aaron and XR Universities Uganda have highlighted how effective these actions are at not only clearing pollution, but also at making a message to show just how important pollution free water is. This action highlights that XR members across the world must fight for the preservation of fresh water.

More information

For more information on XR Universities Uganda please see here for their facebook page.

For more information on World Water Day please see here.

Written by Robbie McAdam. Reviewed by Aaron Niwarinda.

Tentang Pemberontakan

Extinction Rebellion (XR–Pemberontakan Melawan Kepunahan) adalah gerakan terdesentralisasi, internasional, dan non-partisan secara politis yang menggunakan aksi langsung tanpa kekerasan dan pembangkangan sipil untuk membujuk pemerintah agar bertindak adil dalam menghadapi Darurat Iklim dan Ekologi. Gerakan kami terdiri dari orang-orang dari semua lapisan masyarakat, yang berkontribusi dengan berbagai cara dengan waktu dan energi yang mereka miliki. Kemungkinan besar, kami memiliki cabang lokal terdekat Anda, dan kami akan dengan senang hati mendengar dari Anda. Bergabung …atau pertimbangkan untuk memberikan donasi.