image for event The Beehive Design Collective present The True Cost of Coal
singing bird on extinction rebellion logo

The Beehive Design Collective present The True Cost of Coal

Fri, Feb 17 - 12:00
Te Marae O Hine


Extinction rebellion Manawatu are proudly hosting The Beehive Design Collective during a regular Friday for Future Session in Te Marae O Hine. All welcome, Haere Mai. The Bees host picture-lectures and interactive workshops that can be understood by anyone, not just the experts and political analysts! Join in as we deconstruct the complex and overwhelming issues that are shaping our world, using bio-regionally accurate depictions of animals and insects as metaphors to link cultural and ecological diversity. In our workshops and presentations we use giant, portable murals to deconstruct complex issues of globalization, climate change, colonization, and resource extraction. We strive to provoke discussion, raise hard questions, and share hopeful stories about actions big and small we can take to build a better world. The True Cost of Coal graphic uses mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia as a lens through which to understand the historical and contemporary story of energy and resource extraction. With a gigantic portable mural teeming with intricate images of plants and animals from the most biodiverse temperate forest on the planet, the Bees will share (and seek) stories of how mountaintop removal coal mining affect communities and ecosystems throughout Appalachia and beyond.
